A look at Top 3 Types Of Artificial Gemstones

Before buying gems, it might often become important to distinguish between lab grown gems and synthetic gems. You might even come across the word created gemstones. Well, the combination of these things might often make you confused. Here is a detailed explanation of these varieties in terms of gemstones.

1 - Synthetic Gemstones-

Synthetic is used interchangeably with many terms like artificial, lab made or man-made. In any case these refer to the gemstones that have been grown in labs and not in nature. Different processes are used for synthesizing gems so that they can make mimic of the natural gemstone with the same ingredients found in them. Synthetic emerald beads might thus be real emerald but not natural emerald. Based on the processes used, they might have some flaws and inclusions compared to the natural ones. In any case, distinguishing between natural and synthetic might be very difficult. 

2 - Simulated Gemstones-

The gemstones that are synthesized in labs for imitating the natural stones can be referred to as simulated stones. Not all of these stones are synthetic. Sometimes, one natural stone might be presented as another kind. Regardless its origin, these are made to look like another gemstone. At times, they are often called imitations. A garnet simulating a ruby might be a real garnet but a fake ruby. 

3 - Created Gemstones-

A synthetic stone might be both real and not natural. This distinction might often be difficult to make, but they often closely resemble synthetic or manmade gemstones. Several gemstone treatments are used to improve the natural gemstone. For instance, heat is used to improve color. Well, if a natural gem receives a treatment, it can be considered as a synthetic or a created gem. 

The synthetic or created gemstones have been in the market for a long time. They are mostly used for ornamental and attractive purposes. This is because in most cases, they do not provide any astrological benefits. On the contrary, they can bring about negative impacts. The simulated ones have been in the market from the since people have started valuing gems. Many people often make the mistake of considering an older stone to be a natural stone. This might not be true in every case. It is important to make the right distinction.

Some sellers are honest enough to specify the type of gem they are selling. On the other hand, other vendors might not disclose the same. Hence, it is crucial for every buyer to be aware of the same and refrain from making any mistake. Moreover, natural stones are highly priced compared to the synthetic or the simulated stones. However, there is again a variation in price of the synthetic ones based on the nature of processes used for synthesizing the gems. 

It is always a wise idea to acquire some ideas in advance regarding the various treatments, price as well as the procedures adopted for gems. On the basis of that, purchasing will be easier and buyers will be completely satisfied.