History Of Gemstone Beads: Benefits, Types and Healing Properties


We adore our gemstone beads, even if diamonds are a girl's best friend. They were popular in fashion even before faceted stones and are still in demand today.

If you believe that the only precious metals that may give your clothing an elegant touch are silver, gold, platinum, and diamond, you're missing out on gemstone beads. Even in current times, gemstone beads have been a popular fashion accessory from the very beginning of time. Whatever design you decide on, gemstone beads can add an interest of color, a striking texture, or a dramatic flare to finish your outfit.

The History Of Gemstone Beads: When and Where it Started

It has been suggested that beads were the earliest jewelry used by human civilization to adorn their body. This is due to an urge that has existed for a very long time to decorate oneself and make oneself feel special. And not only women but even males were thinking about this requirement. Let's discuss the beginnings and locations of it all.

Ancient Stone Beads

During the Neolithic Period (10,200–3000 BCE), human tool technology and bead-making abilities advanced significantly. Rubbing a bead against a harder mineral was an early method of bruting employed by humans to shape beads in the Stone Age. Following bruting, holes were made by pounding beads with stone tools from both sides. Because of their beauty, gemstone beads were more valuable. The need for increasingly exquisite gemstone beads drove bead producers to improve their equipment, sharpen their techniques, and quickly progress their craft.

Oldest Known Shell Beads

British archaeologists discovered 100,000–135,000-year-old split shell beads in the Israeli city of Es Skhul during the 1930s and 1940s. The oldest known shell beads were between 35,000 and 40,000 years old before this. This demonstrates the 135,000-year-old history of human civilization's love of jewelry, and who knows? Maybe we will someday discover even older beads.

Designs using gemstone beads are more fashionable than ever. At the "Ratna Sagar Jewels" we offer a vast selection of pearls and beads for jewelry-making. Gorgeous gemstone beads also serve as exquisite embellishments for sophisticated looks. Gemstones are those dazzling accents that may glam up almost any simple item of jewelry you have in your wardrobe, regardless of your level of experience crafting jewelry. One excellent approach to bead-dazzle your outfit is to place beads on top of your jewelry.

The Advantages of Jewelry with Beads

These days, beaded jewelry is well known for its beautiful beauty and is often fashioned with genuine diamonds and crystals. They are also well known for carrying strong, magical healing skills. Wearing amethyst gemstone jewelry is now more than simply a fashion statement; it also serves as protection against sicknesses and psychological or emotional stress because overall well-being depends on it.

The healer claims that energy comes into the body in a variety of densities and patterns. All of these negative things affected your emotional state and thinking. Their densities and energy patterns help you maintain and balance your body's wellness. Gems and crystals say that they radiate pure energy patterns with shapes and frequencies that are dependable and consistent.

Natural gemstone beads are more attractive because it is believed that they have some healing properties. Wearing a beaded gemstone bracelet or other item of jewelry symbolizes your spirituality and allows you to connect with the natural jewels, making it ideal for those who are spiritual. For example, beaded bracelets made of amethyst symbolize purity, whereas bracelets made of turquoise are said to bring good luck.

The type of beads you use will determine how durable your beaded bracelets are. Natural gemstones might fade over time from prolonged exposure to the weather, but synthetic beaded bracelets can last a lifetime with proper care. Stretch beaded bracelets may require re-stringing as a result of rubber failure over time. However, with cautious management, its lifespan can be increased. Reaching out to online retailers might help you get loose bracelets re-strung. Although bracelets are a simple complement to any group, beaded jewelry in vibrant colors ups the level on your accessory game. Without requiring any work from you, they make it simple to appear daring and stunning. Handmade beaded bracelets are among the unique items.

Final Words

The vivid and magnificent gemstones have many benefits when worn as the attractive gemstones. Beaded jewelry is a requirement for everyone looking to enhance their outfit and get the benefits. At Ratna Sagar Jewels, a vast range of stylish, functional gemstone beaded jewelry is available for purchase. We offers an extensive collection of sterling silver jewelry and silver gemstone ornaments that complement your style and create a stunning impression.


Healing Gemstones: 5 Precious Gemstones with Healing Properties


Are you searching to buy beautiful precious gemstones for adornment or with a hope of becoming lucky?

The most beautiful natural jewels are gemstones. They can be valued for a variety of purposes by people worldwide, from healing to decorative ornamentation.

Discovering all-natural remedies to heal and bring balance back into our lives is crucial in a society when stress and worry are all too commonplace. Gemstones have captured our senses for ages. They've long been valued for their special qualities and capacity to enhance mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being in addition to being appreciated for their beauty and used to adorn the crowns of kings and queens.

Like glittering pieces of the earth's energy, jewels offer eternal wisdom and healing abilities that can be extraordinarily powerful. The beneficial effects and vibrational frequencies of each gemstone vary, so it's important to choose the correct one for your needs.

A precious gemstone bead wholesale has its own beauty and individuality, whether it's a sapphire, diamond, or ruby. As a result, before estimating a gemstone's worth, you must take its limited availability into account. A few elements that affect a gemstone's rare are its size, quality, and color.


The Top 5 Healing Properties of Precious Gemstones

These are the top 5 valuable gemstones that are frequently used to create jewelry nowadays and have healing properties:


1. Sapphire Stone

Sapphire is a precious gemstone known for its stunning blue color. It belongs to the corundum family of minerals, with aluminum oxide being its chemical composition. While sapphires are most famous for their blue hues, they can also come in a variety of colors except red, as red corundum is known as ruby.

Potential Healing Properties of Sapphire:

  • Spiritual Insight and Wisdom
  • Calming and Mental Focus
  • Protection and Spiritual Growth
  • Balance and Harmony
  • Stress Relief
  • Chakra Activation


2. Emerald Stone

Emerald is a precious gemstone known for its vibrant green color. It belongs to the beryl mineral family, and its green hue is primarily attributed to the presence of chromium and vanadium. Emeralds have been highly prized throughout history for their lush green beauty.

Potential Healing Properties of Emerald Stone:

  • Heart Chakra
  • Mental Clarity
  • Physical Well-Being
  • Stress Relief


3. Ruby Stone 

Ruby is a precious gemstone known for its rich red color. It belongs to the corundum family of minerals, with aluminum oxide being its chemical composition. While sapphires are also part of the corundum family, red corundum is classified as a ruby. Ruby is one of the most valuable gemstones and is highly prized for its vibrant colour.

Potential Healing Properties of Ruby Stone:

  • Energy and Vitality
  • Passion and Love
  • Courage and Protection
  • Blood Circulation


4. Quartz Stone 

Quartz is one of the most abundant minerals on Earth and comes in a variety of forms, each with its own unique characteristics. Quartz crystals are composed of silicon and oxygen atoms and belong to the mineral group known as tectosilicates. Quartz is a versatile mineral with various colors and forms, and it's widely used in various industries.

Potential Healing Properties of Quartz Stone:

  • Amplification of Energy
  • Clarity of Thought
  • Healing and Balancing
  • Protection
  • Emotional Healing


5. Opal Stone 

Opal is a unique and captivating gemstone known for its mesmerizing play-of-color, which involves flashes of iridescent colors that change as the stone is viewed from different angles. Opal belongs to the mineraloid group, and its composition includes hydrated silica (SiO2·nH2O).

Potential Healing Properties of Opal Stone:

  • Emotional Healing
  • Inspiration and Creativity
  • Spiritual Growth
  • Balancing Energies
  • Enhancing Intuition



Although the world is full of valuable jewels, these are the most costly. Which one would you choose if you had to choose? It's crucial to remember that even while these gemstone beads may be the priciest, they may not be the most unique.

As an example, pearls are the only gemstones that are derived from living things and can be a great addition to a necklace. Secondly, turquoises are unparalleled in their beauty, even though they may not be as rare as red beryls.

Ultimately, even though topaz is never the most expensive stone per carat or size, it still has an amazing color variety and can add elegance and beauty to any outfit. Whichever stone you select, make sure it's have personal value to you.

The Healing Power of Gemstones: A Guide to Their Benefits in Real Life

Gemstones have always been highly prized for their aesthetic value, scarcity, and the belief that they possess curative powers. They have been put to use for both aesthetic purposes and religious ones. This article will discuss some of the most well-known gemstones, their characteristics, and the various ways they can be put to use.  

Healing Power of Gemstones


Amethyst, a purple variety of quartz, is said to promote enlightenment and calm one's mind and soul. It is commonly used to alleviate tension and anxiety due to its reputed sedative properties. It may also help one gain mental and ethereal insights.


Aquamarine is a type of beryl that is a calming, ocean-inspired blue and is said to assist in expression and understanding. It's a popular talisman for those venturing out on the open water, as it's thought to ward off seasickness and even death.


Yellow quartz, also known as citrine, is a symbol of good fortune and happiness. Its purported benefits include a rise in originality and confidence as well as an increase in material well-being. It's also supposed to help people shake off unhelpful feelings like worry and sadness.


Diamond is the hardest naturally occurring material and is highly valued for its beauty, durability, and rarity. It is a sign of undying love and devotion because of the strength, purity, and perfection it represents. It may also help one think more clearly and raise one's level of spiritual consciousness.


The green beryl known as emerald has long been linked with the emotions of love, compassion, and healing. It's commonly used to treat issues with the heart, lungs, and eyes, and it's believed to promote equilibrium, harmony, and mental stability. It's also been linked to increased imagination and insight.


Garnet is a mineral family whose members include red, green, and golden varieties. Commonly used to treat anemia and cardiovascular issues, it is also linked with bravery and protection. It's also supposed to help you feel more stable and rooted in your creative pursuits and your personal mission in life.

Lapis Lazuli

For thousands of years, people all over the world have admired Lapis Lazuli for its beauty and mystical qualities. It is commonly used in healing and meditative practices because of the positive associations with truth, wisdom, and perception. It's supposed to help you feel more at one with yourself and the world around you.


Moonstone is a type of quartz named after the moon and believed to increase psychic abilities, artistic inspiration, and a sense of inner calm. It's a popular talisman for tourists because of the belief that it will keep them safe from harm on the road. It's said to help you relax and find inner serenity, and it's linked to fertility, too.


Opal is a type of silica that can be found in a wide range of hues, from white to black and even red. It is often used to heighten intuitive and psychic capabilities and is linked with inspiration, creativity, and spiritual awakening. It's also supposed to make you feel more carefree, enthusiastic, and happy.


Ruby is a type of corundum that comes in vivid red color and is often used to symbolize ardor, energy, and affection. It's a common sign of affection because of its purported ability to boost one's sense of personal power and pride. Emotional stability and enlightenment are two other benefits linked with the heart chakra.


Finally, gemstones have been prized for their rarity, aesthetic value, and curative qualities for millennia. They have been highly valued for their decorative and therapeutic uses due to their ability to foster equilibrium, unity, and spiritual development.  Gemstone beads, in general, are a lovely and important accessory.

Gemstones - The Beacon of Hope

Gemstones have been known to adore humans ornamentally since they were first discovered in Egypt. Be it in the Queen's crown or a common man's finger, they've been admired for their beauty. But beauty is not all they've kept a place in the heart of man for. There are many lores affixed to them, which amplify the love they acquire. Over the centuries, our world has been through various ravaging transformations. Say the Trojan War or a Global Pandemic, it has brought vandalism and deformation along with it. When the world got knocked by Covid 19, it slumped, lakhs of folks lost their lives and suffering lingered all across the planet. But not long after, humanity rose again and has started making its way through. Gemstones have been playing a significant role in this excessively.



In the middle of every turmoil, we've seen people rely their lives on faith, in which Gemstones emerged as a beacon of hope of survival. Gemstones have been a part of mankind since before history was even written. Fabulous rubies, huge emeralds, ecstatic amethysts and other gems imitate a portrait of richness and royalty in our minds. The human population has been long fascinated by Gemstones.

Throughout history, Gemstones have been correlated with glamour, good luck and riches. It has been acknowledged that certain gemstones amass the power to protect from misfortune, malady, and distress. Their charisma has remained unscathed till now and the good luck they bring with them has sprouted vastly.

Gemstones have been incorporated in numerous rituals and ceremonies to resuscitate the energy fields, gain peace, and promote love and safety. They're known to stabilize the human thought process and bring harmony to their lives. Gemstones are also popularly allied with beneficial health properties. Legend says that, if one wears or places certain gemstones on their body or even close to them, they transfer healing energies by positively interacting with our body's energy field or chakras. They're known to introduce breathtaking transformations in one's life, ranging from peace of mind to fighting depression to wealth, they influence every facet of one's well being.

These qualities wielded by the gemstones have made them more popular with the widespread pandemic in the world. They have departed faith in people. When the world was suffering from opprobrium in health and economy, it swivelled towards faith, faith in God to refurbish everything the way it was. Humans have perpetually believed in the paranormal to attain goodness and fulfilment in their lives. The lores associated with the Gemstones, make them the centre of attraction.

The properties and benefits residing in each gemstone differ exceptionally. Depending on their varied benefits, you can choose a gemstone to naturally heal your aura and wipe out stress and negativity from your soul. Amethyst, rhodonite, rose quartz, moonstone, turquoise, and opal are some of the most commonly used stones.

Amethyst, the striking glamorous gemstone in the shades of purple is known for its mystic healing powers. Amethyst is known for its properties such as calming irritability, relieving stress and tension, balancing mood swings, driving away anger, anger, fear and anxiety; it also relieves sadness and pain, and dissolves negativity; activates the spiritual consciousness, opens the intuition and improves the psychic abilities. Ayurvedic and natural health practitioners highly recommend the use of Amethyst for healing.

Rose Quartz, the soothing beautiful pink gemstone is known for restoring harmony, peace and love in one's life. It purifies and opens the heart in all possible ways to promote inner healing to introduce peace and deep healing, leading to love, self-love, friendship in life. The bearer of the gemstone leads to eternal calm and reassurance, which helps comfort in times of grief. Rose Quartz also dispels negativity and protects against the evil energies in the world, including environmental pollution and replacing it with vibes of peace and love.

Gemstones like Green Aventurine, Citrine, Pyrite, Yellow Sapphire, Emerald, Green Jade, Garnet, etc are associated with the restoration of wealth in an individual's life. They work by interfering and improving the chakras. Some interact with the heart chakra, some with the crown chakra and more. All these metaphysical activities performed by these gemstones positively affect one's thought process and improve their way towards life, which leads to a better understanding of situations and circumstances, giving a better approach towards choices to be made. This eventually helps them restore the wealth in their life because after all, wealth is all about the approaches we make towards a better future.

The list of the properties encompassed by the gemstones is infinite, which in itself is ample to illustrate their integrity in human life. They work so efficiently on different levels that it's impossible to overlook the properties possessed by them. The legends tell us that the reliability of mankind on the gemstones have been seen since one can remember. It is also said that gemstones were used as medicine in ancient times, which could be a myth or truth, something we cannot be sure of if we're firm believers of science. But the positive vibrations caused after wearing or keeping the gemstones close to oneself are undeniable.

Gemstones have continued to adorn us, humans. They have added to the beauty multifold, which in itself is enough, their properties are added benefits, which efficiently make them a suitable choice for jewelry lovers and also for those who are equivalent believers of mysticism. We, at Ratna Sagar Jewels, serve you with the finest of the gemstones across the world, according to your desires and requirements, which also satisfies the mystic in you.


Written by Poonam 

Also Read: Half Drilled Beads – A Perfect Choice for Rings and Ear Studs

Embrace your August month precious stone to infuse power and soothe away melancholy

Precious gemstones are undoubtedly one of the best ways to rejoice your birthday. However, many people out there may not be aware of the fact that every gemstone does hold some significance and comes suffused in captivating legends. Hence, it is always a good idea to know about the history and properties of each gemstone before you decide to buy birthstone jewellery either for yourself or your family members.

Broadly speaking, each month of the year is signified by a lovely birthstone and they possess an inimitable significance and attention-grabbing mythology. When you will try to explore more about the gemstones you wish to wear, then you will come across a lot of accepted wisdom about how precious stone came into being. Many philosophies have been presented up from the time immemorial.

Basically, these gemstones are veiled in wisdom and folklore – they're conventionally assumed to pass good fortune and salutary powers to the wearer. It was believed that wearing the gemstone during its concomitant month abetted to improve its capabilities, the notion being that you should adorn these gems subject to the time of year.

Through this article, we shall be throwing light on some of the most recommended gemstones that individuals born in the month of August can consider before buying any gemstone randomly.

The most recommended birthstones for the people who are born in the month of the August are as mentioned below:


Peridot is widely popular mainly because of its vivid and intense lime-green glow. It is till date not very much clear exactly from where this gemstone derived its name. However, many intellectuals come to an understanding that the term “peridot” comes from the Arabic faridat which denotes “gem,” while others have confidence in the fact that it has got its name from the Greek term peridona, which indicates “giving profusely.” Maybe that’s why Peridot is concomitant with opulence and a stroke of luck.

This gemstone is considered to be one of the most unusual gem-quality assortments of the common rock crystal olivine, which is known to be concocted subterranean of the earth’s mantle and is basically thrown out on the surface during the volcanic eruptions.

Once in a blue moon, Peridot also originates within the meteorites. You will find this gemstone in beautiful lime green color comes from the confirmation of the mineral itself—as opposed to the smidgen of impurities, which does happen in case of many gems. That is the reason why this gem falls under the category of the stones that are available in just single color. Though, the tints may differ from yellowish-green, olive to brownish-green, subject to the levels of iron present in it.

Peridot Gemstones

This precious stone is mainly imported from Arizona, China, Myanmar, Pakistan, and Africa. It measures up to 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale which indicates that the raw crystal is more susceptible to cracking at the time of cutting. However, the polished gemstones are pretty strong.
Because of the glittering green hue, this precious stone is also widely called as ‘the Evening Emerald’. It is alleged to have therapeutic properties that guard against bad dream and sinful, confirming harmony and bliss.

Benefits of wearing Peridot gemstone:

•  Increases the self-assurance and decisiveness in the wearer
•  Brings balance in the life of the wearer with the virtue of patience and lucidity of thought
•  Restores prosperity and blissfulness in the wearer’s life
•  Improves cellular renewal

How can you buy the right Peridot gemstone?

Whether you are pondering to buy this beautiful gemstone as your birthday gift or a 50th wedding anniversary gift, it is just an ideal present that will definitely make your friends envy you at the end of the day. The best way to evaluate Peridot is exactly the way we do while buying diamonds, that is with the means of the use of color, precision, cut and weight to estimate its real worth.

Late in the year 1990’s, the rich deposits of Peridot were found in Pakistan. However, if you decide to buy this gem in a smaller size then undoubtedly it won’t cost you much. Perfect Peridots above 5 carats are predominantly unusual, yet stones as big as 22 carats have been scratched. The world’s biggest Peridot stone is approximately around a 310-carat which has been showcased in the Smithsonian Museum in Washington, D.C.


The spinel is every so often presumed to be other precious stone because it more likely to bear a resemblance to either a ruby or sapphire. In actual fact, some of the most well-known rubies in antiquity have come out to be spinel. Nevertheless, its distinctive features, like its octahedral crystal arrangement and lone deflection, are what make it a way unique and different than other stones.

Spinel Gemstones

Predominantly found in Cambodia, Myanmar, Nepal, Nigeria, Tadzhikistan, Tanzania, Australia, Brazil, Madagascar, and the U.S.

Benefits of wearing Spinel gemstone:

•  It helps in healing the problems related to the root chakra of a person.
•  It improves the strength, overall endurance, and physical dynamism of the wearer
•  Spinel is known to even help in curing the symptoms of cancer
•  This gemstone is even used to improve the issues related to teeth, skin, gums, and spine.

How can you buy the right Spinel gemstone?

You can find this magnificent gemstone in a variety of colors, with a few of them being rarely found in comparison to others.

The most preferred one is red spinel, after that cobalt blue, hot pink, and then intense orange. The stones that are more reasonably priced are softer in color, such as lavender. Apart from this, you can even find Spinel in other colors like black, violet-blue, greenish blue, grayish, pale pink, mauve, and yellow or brown. Since spinel is an unbreakable and hard-wearing gemstone, you can find in different shapes like octagons, tons, quadrangles, circles and decorative forms, like ovals, pears, and cushions.

Want to improve your wisdom and overall luck quotient? Consult our experienced astrologers to know more about our different range of precious stones. You can even send us to email to express your concerns and get all answers to your queries.

Mystical Gemstones for People Born in May

Gemstones concomitant with zodiac signs are known to have a unique meaning and compelling impact. For most of the birthstones, their popularity dates back to the earlier prehistoric times when it was believed that gemstones can have incredible powers like prosperity, luck, and health. Besides, the color of birthstones can equally have personal significance on an individual.
Taurus (April 21st to May 20th) and Gemini (May 21st to June 20th) are the astrological zodiac signs for people born in the month of May. These earth signs exemplify powerful people with utmost courage and strength. For such people, birthstones aligned with their birth month can help them calibrate their destiny to progress ahead in life. Based on the calendar month, there are myriad gemstones recommended for people born in this zodiac sign. These are listed as below:

Highly Recommended Gemstones:

Emerald: This rich green color gemstone beautifully radiates vivid hue and tone. The stone astrologically represents a symbol of love and fertility. Considered as one of the rarest available gemstones, Emeralds are usually found in its purest forms in countries like Zambia, Afghanistan, Colombia, and Brazil. Adorn your jewelry with natural Emerald gemstone beads which are available in Plain Roundels, Plain Oval, Faceted Rondelle, and Flat Pear Plain shapes.

Emerald Gemstone Beads

Pearl: It is a flawless and popular gemstone found commonly in the ocean beds. The gemstone is worn both for its stunning beauty and astrological benefits. Pearls are mainly found in countries like Australia, Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar, and the Philippines. This powerful stone is recommended to subtle the energy of weak or malefic Moon planet.

Sapphire: This mystical gemstone is popularly mined in mined in Thailand, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Kenya, United States, Vietnam, Tanzania, and Australia. Sapphire symbolizes of wisdom, trust, royalty, and commitment. The stone is known to have healing properties for conditions like depression, mental stress, and spiritual confusion. 

Agate: It is deliberated as an Ayurvedic birthstone for people born in the month of May.  Found mostly in the vivid colors of gray, black, blue, yellow, pink, red, brown, and green – Agate is known to bring good luck and protect wearers from the evil eye. Agate gemstones are used in various jewelry collections to make vibrant gifts for various occasions.

Carnelian: This gorgeous gemstone has a number of ancient times tales associated with its significance. It is known to protect a frequent traveler from death and evil forces. Besides, Carnelian also relieves back pain and menstrual cramps. It is also worn to cure infertility and enhance passion amongst the married couple. Found in red-orange, Carnelian gemstones are available in various shapes and cuts, including Heart Briolette, Flat Pear Briolette, Faceted Rondelle, Carved Leaf, and Half Moon Cut shapes.

Carnelian Gemstones

Other Recommended Birthstones:

Citrine: Originated from the French word signifying yellow, Citrine belongs to the quartz family. This stunning gemstone is available in immaculate colors of yellow and orange. Found in the mines of Brazil, United States, and Madagascar –Citrine is worn by May born people to dispel anger and strengthen the power of the Sun. Pair your favorite earrings with AAA-rated Citrine gemstones to get that astonishing look!

Turquoise: Firoza or Turquoise gemstone is dark blue-green color natural mineral, popularly found in the rocks of Brazil, Persia,  Australia, Russia, Tanzania, Mexico, Turkestan, and Chile. This gemstone is worn by people born in the month of May to remove bad luck and misfortunes. The gemstone is also associated with strengthening love, friendship, and prosperity. 

Turquoise Gemstones

Tiger's Eye: Listed as an important gemstone for people born in the Gemini zodiac sign, Tiger Eye is believed to be effective in curing ailments related to eyes and aids night vision. Some astrologers also believe that the gemstone is helpful in relegating alcohol and tobacco addiction and stimulates digestion and ulcer problems.

According to our Indian mythology, each gemstone has its own significance and healing properties but the stones directly linked to a specific zodiac sign in the birth chart can stimulate strong vibrations and improve the overall health of the wearer.  

Written By:- Taiba Fatima

Brazilian Gemstones: Mining Priciest Gems from the Land of Treasures

Brazilian mines have been a testimony of churning some of the rare and well-liked gemstones. Produced under fire, these gems were adorned on the red carpet by well-known Hollywood celebrities, like Salma Hayek, Taylor Swift, and Emily Blunt.

However, far behind the sheen and gleam of these dazzling gemstones stands a poignant story of hard work and hard-hitting labor. According to industry experts, for mining the world’s most exclusive gemstone, underpaid labors work in the most drought-prone area in dangerous conditions. In this blog, we attempt to highlight the popular gemstone mined in the country which is the result of the uphill struggle of labor breathing dust and haphazardly working in unsafe tunnels to bring jewelry lovers the best!

Green Amethyst: It is a light-to-medium green color mineral, belonging to the Quartz species. Mined in Brazil, this gemstone is popularly known as prasiolite, which comes from a Greek work connoting Leek Stone. Green amethysts are produced by applying heat to amethyst, due to which the stone yellow-brown, yellow, or orange but later turns into green color owing to its iron ((Fe2+) compounds. They are commonly used in making jewelry owing to its durability and scratch resistant properties. Explore a wide range of Green Amethysts on our online gallery, found in micro cut, Chandelier Shape; spiral cut, Twisted Flat Pear Shape; micro flower cut, Heart Shape; gem cut, Pan Shape; micro cut, Nugget Shape; micro cut, Rondelle Shape, and much more!

Pink Amethyst: Pink Amethyst is one of the rich and rarest gemstones found in Brazil. These precious gems are discovered in large deposits of mines in Brazil ever since the 19th century. Jewelry makers use these super clean and high-quality stones to create ornaments with precise cutting and finishing. Pink amethysts are widely popular for its extraordinary soft pink color and are mostly used in large pendants or rings as a valuable stone.  Get these astonishing rock crystals in beautiful cuts and designs – imported straight from the mines of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro –only at Ratna Gemstones Sagar Jewels.

Pink Amethyst

Purple Amethyst: Buy world-class AAA rated natural Purple/Violet color Brazilian Amethyst gemstones at Ratna Sagar’s online gallery. Finely cut by our experienced artisans, this rare gemstone is found in transparent and translucent form as well as available in varied shapes and sizes, from cut en cabochon to faceted. Unlike other gems, the value/carat of Purple Amethysts varies with exponentially with its weight. Amethysts are considered as the February birthstone. It is usually worn by people born in the Pisces zodiac sign. Get your birth gemstone now!

Quartz: The natural quartz gemstone represents Harmony, Power, Energy, and Protection. Originating from the mines of Brazil, these crystals are believed to be charged with astounding Reiki energy. For this reason, Quartz is also known as healing crystal. They have very high vibrations and amplify energy and power when worn with positive intention. Explore a beautiful collection of Quartz crystals on our online gallery, available as Cognac Quartz Natural Gemstone, Beer Quartz Natural Gemstone, Rose Quartz Gemstone, Bi-color Quartz Natural Gemstone, Lemon Quartz Natural Gemstone, and Smoky Quartz Gemstone.

Bi-color Quartz Natural Gemstone

Transparent Stones: Shop for precious and rarest transparent stone on Ratna Sagar Jewels online gallery. This is a unique place where you can express your hidden creativity by buying vintage gemstone beads at wholesale prices. We have a wide collection of Transparent Stones, which are formed deep within the rocks of Brazil as well as Madagascar. Popular for their golden transparent tones and needle alike crystal inclusions, such gems are considered exclusive and inimitable.

Crystals: The famous crystals from Brazil are remarkably known for their magical soothing colors like green-colored Quartz Crystals, dark blue colored Sodalite Tumbled Stones, and beautiful smoky brown colored translucent Smoky Quartz Crystals. Originating from Brazil, get a scintillating collection of Crystal Gemstone at our online website. We own Brazil Crystals in vitreous luster and shapes. Check out our collection now!

Imperial Topaz: Natural Imperial Topaz from Brazil is renowned as a fine-colored gemstone for more than 300 years. Brazil boasts momentous topaz deposits ever since mid-1700's with the discovery of rich topaz deposits. Ouro Prêto region in Brazil is predominately known as the source imperial topaz, commonly identified for its superior hardness, exquisite lustier, density, and brilliance. This unique and rarest topaz crystal is available on Ratna Sagar Jewels in golden-orange yellow and pink color with micro flower cut Heart Shape, Tear Drop Shape, lat Pear Shape, Rondelles Shape, Rectangle Shape, Oval Shape, and Dew Drop Shape.

White Topaz: It is a very popular crystal, which is loved by gemstone lovers for its hardness and beauty. Available in white color, it is immaculately sourced from the mines of Brazil and valued for its varied color intensity. White Topaz gemstones are used in various forms of jewelry and increasingly gaining popularity as one of the most inexpensive crystals as well as a substitute for diamond. At our online gallery, these gems are available in Rondelle Shape, Tear Drop Shape, Rectangle Shape, Round Shape, and carved-cut Leaf Shape. Explore our precious collection now!

White Topaz gemstones

Ametrine: This natural gemstone belongs to quartz species and combines the property of citrine and amethyst crystals. Amethyst color is commonly developed when iron (Fe) containing quartz is variably exposed to an ionizing radiation. Get an exclusive collection of AAA-rated Ametrine crystals available in Heart Shape purple-yellowish light color and flower cut transparent vitreous luster. Call our gemologists now!

Olive Quartz: These natural gemstones are known to carry the same energies as of Clear Quartz. Also known as green-gold quartz, Olive Quartz has been known, for centuries, to directly connect with an individual’s Heart as well as Solar Plexus Chakras. They generate special vibrations to empower knowledge and consciousness. Olive Quartz gems are mainly recommended for people having trouble in identifying the goal or purpose of their lives. Get a variety of Olive Quartz in Flat Pear Shape, Heart Shape, Chandelier Shape, Tear Drops Shape, Carved drill conch Shape, and Rondelle Shape –at Ratna Sagar Jewels!

Writer: Taiba Fatima

Take a cultural trip to Brazil and discover their gorgeous gemstones at our gallery!

Hidden Minerals & Gems From the Mines of Africa

Gemstones embedded in jewelry, for ages, are worn by women to flaunt their beauty and express their natural lifestyle and panache. Traditionally, in South Africa, artisans use gemstones jingling with metal beads and musical cowrie shells to carve sacred bones and tusks into jewelry. This ancient bling represents Africans connection to spirits, deities, and above all their homelands.

My point, varied gemstones manufactured in the mines of Africa are unique on their own and are appreciated globally by consumers owing to their rarity, sheen, and extraordinary properties. In fact, these crystals are particularly intriguing and desirable as Africa’s rich and valuable soil is known to produce roughly 19 000 variations of gemstones, which is nearly 50% of the global gemstone turnover.

Let’s take a quick glance at the most sought after gemstones from African mines:


It is considered as one of the exquisite crystals, which is found in almost every single color identified in the rainbow spectrum.  They are famously found in Namibia and contain Copper metal as an element which gives it a vibrant color. For artisans, it is one the most versatile and brightest gemstones found in the nature. Most Tourmaline gemstones are long, slender faceted crystals. Browse our wider selection of faceted Tourmaline specimens in the Tourmaline gemstone category.


Originated from Tanzania, natural Ruby is most loved and legendary red gemstone amongst collectors. It possesses a spectacular property of transparent crystal with adamantine to vitreous luster. At Ratnasagar, we exclusively provide our clients with an elaborate collection of AAA grade rubies online, which are available in micro cut, Rondelle Shape.

ruby gemstone


Sensuous and intriguing Moonstone originated in Africa resembles the glow of moonlight and possess milky translucent to transparent properties. The stone is remarkably famous among gemstone lovers around the world as its property changes with shifting ray of light in mysterious depths. Ratnasagar Jewels has an elaborate collection of Rainbow Moonstones, available in beautiful pastel colors. The radiant shine of these crystals beholds the mystery of enigmatic moon itself. Besides, these glowing moonstones are also available in vivid colors and shapes like white color with blue tinge, grey-white-orange color with puffed diamond cut and micro flower cut, Coffee color with silky sheen, whitish orange color with micro flower cut, grey color with silky sheen, and Tea Rose-Pink color with silver tinge. Check out our online gallery for a beautiful collection of natural moonstones!


Rare, rich Apatite gemstones from Africa are known for their exceptional gem quality, sheen, and luster. Since ancient times, the jewelry makers use Apatites of all colors, especially neon-blue green color specimen to create exceptional ornaments.  Find Apatite gems in different colors - neon-blue, deep Swiss-blue, bright green, and yellow –only at Ratna Sagar Jewels!

Apatite gemstones


Natural Tanzanite gemstones were first found in 1967 near Tanzania’s Kilimanjaro Airport.  Today, it is remarkably considered as one of the most exotically available colored gemstones. Tanzanite belongs to the category of Ziosite mineral, which is rarely found in a few locations, including Tanzania and India. The gem comes in the shades of yellow, green, and violet-blue. Discover our collection of Tanzanite gemstones beads available in micro cut, Rondelle Shape.


Considered popularly as the “gem of the sea” is a bluish green color gem, which belongs to the beryl variety. In earlier days, Aquamarine gem was considered to be associated with treasure of mermaids as it was mainly used by sailors as a mascot of bringing good luck, safety, and fearlessness. It is also deliberated as a stone of happiness and eternal youth. We offer an extensive variety of Aquamarine gems in sea-blue color and bluish-green color at wholesale prices.


It is an apple-green color gemstone entailing of an assortment of chalcedony which includes contains nickel element. Known for instilling healing properties, and manifesting joy, happiness, and optimism; get this beautiful gemstone at affordable prices at our online gallery.


Scapolite is an exceptional gemstone which is termed after a famous Greek word – skapos, connoting a stem/stick. This gemstone looks like a long columnar materialization of crystals and is found in beautiful colors if honey yellow, violet, cream, dark brown, orange, pink, and gray. These days colorless Scapolites are also gaining traction in the jewelry making industry.


Garnet Gemstone, originated from Mozambique, is an unbreakable and durable gemstone. This colorful gem is ideal for jewelry use and suits everyone’s taste and personality. All Garnets have similar crystal structure and comes in various colors like orange (Spessartite garnet), green (Tsavorite garnet), and purple (Rhodolite Garnet). Check out a beautiful collection of Garnets at our online gallery. We also have a spectacular collection of unique Garnets like color change garnet (one of the rarest and most valuable garnet gemstones, which are highly desired for the gemstone’s distinct ability to incessantly change color subject to the type of light it is viewed in), Hessonite Garnet (well-known for its warm red-yellowish tones helps to have clarity in mind and wear-off fears), Grossular Garnet (deriving its name from the gooseberries owing to its light-green, resembling the colors of berries), and Strawberry Quartz (gemstone known for creating a positive and loving environment, has the combination of Iron Oxide and Goethite which instill crystalline matrix. The color of this gemstone ranges from raspberry pink and light pink to strawberry pink).


For most people, this gem symbolizes the stone of royalty and wisdom. It is also associated with consecrated things of practically every religion. Steeped deeply in the history of Asian and European culture, Sapphire is only second in hardness to the most loved and valued rock - diamonds. From royals to celebrities, this precious stone is picked by almost everyone. In fact, the late Princess Diana was known to wear an 18-carat sapphire in her diamond studded engagement ring. Discover a fine collection of Blue Sapphire, Yellow Sapphire, Multi-color Sapphire, and Songea Sapphire on our online gallery.

African Amethyst:

African Amethyst gemstones are found in the African Continent (especially in the South Africa). These gems symbolize the taste of people from highest class society owing to its perfect sheen, hue, and brilliance in color. Gemstone lovers from 20th century were predominately fascinated by African Amethyst. The natural color of African Amethyst varies from light purple color to intense shades of violet and royal purple mauve. Explore the finest collection of African Amethyst from Zambia at our online gemstone beads gallery.

Written By:- Taiba Fatima

Permeate the perfect eloquence of gemstones mined in Africa to your life and dive into the world of magnificence. Explore these delightful gemstones at Ratnasagarjewels!

Unleashing Mystical Gemstones from the Mines of Burma!

Burma, for many centuries, is considered as the most prominent hub of gem industry in the world. In Mogok, which is globally the home to finest emerald green gems and rubies, about 20,000 people earn their living from mining and carving gemstones. If numbers are to be believed, nearly 85% of sapphires and rubies are mined in Burma, followed by Kashmir in India.

With the presence of hidden gems in the land of wealth, let’s take a trip down the Burmese land and discover gem deposits mined in the region.

Sapphire Gemstones: Today, the industry gets the best sapphires from 3 major locations, viz., Burma, Madagascar, and Sri Lanka. Amongst these primary locations, Burmese sapphires are widely considered as the unique and rarest. The untreated blue sapphire gems from Burmese land are known to display a vivid and remarkable hue of royal blue with fine rutile silk inclusions. Explore our online gallery to check out an exclusive collection of natural, transparent, and non-heated Sapphire Precious Gemstone available in micro cut, Rondelle shape.

Multi Spinel

Tourmaline: It is composed of the crystalline boron-silicate mineral that is compounded with exclusive elements like iron, aluminum, magnesium, lithium, sodium, and/or potassium. The gemstone, commonly found in Burma, are classified as - semi-precious stones. They are found in a wide range of colors, such as yellow-green brown, light to dark pink-green, deep black color, hot-pink color, and green color. As the gemstone is found in multi colors, tourmaline fondly is named from the Singhalese phrase, ‘tura mali’ meaning ‘stone integrated with pulsating colors’. Often regarded as a gem for teachers and poets, discover our AAA grade tourmaline gems in Tear Drop, Faceted Rondelle, Flat Pear Briolette, Heart Briolette, and Oval Faceted shapes.

Ruby Gemstones: Ruby is the most famous and valuable gemstone and belongs to the range of Corundum. Its color varies from bright violet red to lightning/fiery vermilion. Burmese rubies are the finest gems with a magical appeal attached to them. The enigmatic color of Burmese rubies predominately comes from, (i) a blend of red fluorescent and bluish-red color intensity found in the rubies mined from Burma, and (ii) a tinge of tiny silk inclusions seen in these rubies scattering light onto facets. Besides, Burmese rubies, as viewed by gemstone lovers, are much newer than ones originated from East Africa. Get your collection of Burmese Ruby from Ratna Sagar Jewels, view our gallery now!

Burma Red Spinel Gemstone: Burmese Red Spinel is one of the special gemstones for varied reasons. For eras, it was erroneously considered as ruby and earned incredible fame. As of today, a red spinel of fine quality is deliberated as the rarest gemstone and has an unbeatable spark in hues of stunning pastel shades, including purple, blue, pink, and orange. Mined in Burma (Myanmar), it is used by artisans for creating finest jewelry collection. Buy a spectacular collection of Red Spinel at wholesale prices from Ratna Sagar Jewels!

Pink Spinel

Apatite Gemstone: Originated from the mines of Burma, these gems possess transparent property with vitreous luster. They are commonly available in deep Swiss-blue color with micro-cut Heart Shape. Blue Brazilian Apatite gemstones found in neon blue-green color are known to command the highest prices in the market. See our wide collection of natural blue apatite gemstones, perfect to team-up with rings, bracelets, and other ornaments.

Scapolite Gemstones: Lustrous Scapolite Gemstone from the soil of Burma is known to possess the property of gemmy transparent. These gems belong to a group of rock-forming silicate minerals, which are composed of sodium silicate, aluminum, and calcium. Scapolite derives its name from the Greek word, Skopos, implying a stem or stick owing to its resemblance to a long columnar formation of crystals. The gemstone is found in striking colors of honey yellow, violet, pink, orange, gray and brown colors. Browse through our gallery to find these rare and desirable gemstones.

Jade Gemstones: Jade is a popular ornamental mineral, which is widely known for its exquisite green varieties featuring prominently in the work of ancient Asian art. The gem immaculately bears its cultural roots from the smoke-dimmed huts and caves of medieval era sheltered in the pre-historic humans. As witnessed by the Stone Age workers, Jade gemstone was carved in the shapes of toughest war weapons ritual objects, tools, and ornaments. It was also believed that these carvings invoked the mystical powers from the earth and heaven and bonded forces of death and life together. Modern gemologists are known to use these gems to a number of jewelry and ornamental materials to create an ingenious and intriguing effect on them. To explore a perfect collection of classic Jade gemstones from Burma in eye-catching shapes and color, visit our online gallery.

Blue Sapphire

Zircon from Burma: Zircon is a prized natural Gemstone, which is known to possess transparent property with adamantine luster and sheen. The brilliant range of colors and luster of Zircon exemplifies fire when integrated with its good hardness makes it the most sought-after gemstone amongst the gem lovers. Zircon traditionally is connoted as the birthstone for December born babies. Ratna Sagar jewels have an elaborate range of Burma Zircons, now available in micro cut, Flat Pear shape. Check our gallery today!

Cordierite: An Iolite or Cordierite is an aluminum-iron-magnesium cyclosilicate. The gemstone was first discovered in the year 1813. It is named after a renowned French geologist –Louis Cordier. Cordierite gemstones are found in the mines of Burma and are valued for their remarkable trichroism, i.e. deep bluish purple color when viewed from the length of the prism and yellowish-brown color when seen through its sides. Find an attractive and versatile collection of Cordierite, cut into striking colors of deep blue and violet faceted gems at Ratna Sagar Jewels.

Vintage Gems From the Land of Peru

Peru is home to vivid cultures and mysteries. Burrowed into the mines of Peru are a variety of hidden gemstones and precious metals. The modern mining industry of the country’s landscape is known for its innovative mining process through which romanticized gems are extracted and processed which always tend to excite the archaeologists and gemstone lovers across the world.

Today, as we are navigating through the Peruvian’s ancient penchant, let’s take a look at some of the mystical gems of the region which behold the national significance.

Peruvian Opal: Peruvian Pink Opal and Blue Opal are considered as the pièce de résistance or flagship products of the country. In prehistoric times, these gems were deliberated as Pachamama’s gift (the goddess of nature, fertility, and good fortune). They were often used by The Inca Empire (one of the largest empires in Pre Columbian America in the early 16th century) as a customary ritual stone. Peruvian blue opals are only found in the San Patricio’s Andes mountains and are known for its spectral fire and color.

Peruvian Opals

Blue Opal is considered as the national gemstone of Peru. It is mined in the congregated rocks and has a mild and fragile appearance. Depending on the way this stone is cut and crafted, it may vary in degrees of color. Jewelers use these choicest gems to create unique jewelry or loose gemstones.

Peruvian Chrysocolla: Named for its highly regarded origin, these attractive gems are found in green and blue opaque color.  They are known to display an array of colorful designs and patterns owing to the oxidization of metals like iron, manganese, and copper. Each gem tends to exhibit a unique pattern, which makes them an exceptional and inimitable.

Peruvian Chrysocolla gemstones

Rhodochrosite: These hot pink and deep red crystals are considered as very aesthetic and highly sought after due to their stunning looks and colors. Rhombohedral crystals come from the mines of Tambo Colorado (Peru) and continue to fascinate jewelry paramours for ages.  Alma King is a 15 cm Rhodochrosite crystal, which also happens to be the largest crystal ever found. Rhodochrosite is a part of the calcite group, which contains related or isomorphic carbonates. These minerals have similar physical properties and get crystallized in the trigonal system exhibiting resilient double refraction and perfect rhombohedral cleavage. When tamed with an admirable finish and proportionate shape, Rhodochrosite crystal can stun gemstone lovers in every way!

Peruvian Amazonite: Often recognized as Amazon Stone, this light aqua colored gemstone occasionally comes with jolts of clear turquoise. The gemstone contains beautiful small black inclusions as well as inclusions of a semi-transparent to opaque crackled white quartz, which strikes a perfect balance between the delicate, refined color and natural organic shape of these Peruvian amazonite beads. Often Amazonite stones are mistaken as chrysoprase owing to its color. The Peruvian Amazonite gemstones are mined in Africa, United States, Peru, South America, and Russia.

Peruvian Amazonite Beads

Even though, the last decade witnessed emerging of a number of synthetic crafted gems, the demand for gemstones mined from Peru continues to climb upwards. What is seen likely to persist forever, Peru gemstones will inarguably remain a pre-loved treasure due to its intrinsic value and rarest natural existence.