What makes Beautiful & Stunning Rose Quartz extremely popular?

Feminine, dazzling and cheerful... hardly anyone would disagree that the Rose Quartz is the most enticing gemstone in the pink family. The Stone of Heart exudes exuberant essence of love, romance, compassion and eternal health. Also called the Crystal of Unconditional Love, Rose quartz controls the Heart Chakra and Throat Chakra. It is one of the most common varieties of quartz family that is used for metaphysical and spiritual refinement.

Importance of Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz has been in use in since 600 BC. Greeks and Egyptians used the gemstone as a talismanic guide to improve relationships and reawaken the heart. Innate lovers exchanged rose quartz to build a sense of trust, personal fulfilment and contentment. Perfect for politicians, diplomats, doctors and lawyers, the gemstone is effective in improving professional efficiency within groups and community. Keeping the stone on the desk or in the bank locker attracts wealth and enables you to ward off debts and credits.

The Mother Crystal
Rose Quartz is a nourishment crystal that can be worn during childbirth. Children who have lost their mothers at an early age do well in life despite the personal loss. The orphans and adopted kid who are made to wear the rose Quartz bracelets to promote bonding with the foster parents and elders. It strengthens self-confidence of a new mother and soothes the pain of abortion or miscarriage.

Mothers are recommended to keep a Rose quartz crystal near the food of the baby. If worn during pregnancy, the gemstone protects the mother from issues related to digestion, blood and depression. It also promotes circulation and locomotion event in matured phases of pregnancy.
For elderly individuals, wearing the rose quartz gemstone prevents bone disorders, mental degradation and colic difficulties. For those in mental depression due to relationship breaks, the gemstone enhances tenderness and sensuality.

Cosmic Influence
Rose Quartz carries a higher spiritual attenuation with cosmic elements of the Earth, Universe and the supernatural. Tibetan and Oriental culture emphasized on the use of Rose quartz on auspicious occasions and attract happiness. Wearing of rose quartz is recommended on events like:

  • Engagement
  • Anniversaries
  • Full Moon
  • New Year’s Day
  • Harvesting day

The cosmic influence directly affects the way body uses Balancing Energy. Wearing the gemstone close to the heart balances the disorderly energy and soothes the frivolous emotions. It has significant impact on the Yin-Yang chakras and stimulates the base energy. Keeping the gemstone close the bed improves:

  • Physical relationship
  • Dream patterns
  • Breathing

Colour of Rose Quartz and its effect
Lighter gemstones are known for their calming effect while the darker ones exude flamboyance. Here is what stone experts recommend:

  • Light red gemstone: meditation and calmness of mind
  • Light pink: Channelling relationship and emotions towards positivity
  • Dark red: Develop sensuality
  • Dark pink: Fight resentment and anger
  • Cloud pink: fertility and pregnancy

When it comes to earn freedom from past, rose quartz is ideal. It is called Forgiveness stone that frees the mind from the past mistakes and emotional baggage.