Top 4 Gemstones for Lovers Soul

Love is the most beautiful feeling in the world. When you are in love everything seems beautiful but when heart breaks your world comes crushing down. There is emptiness in life that even the ultimate luxurious of life cannot fulfill. Ups and downs, small fights and tiffs are part of every relation but if you get a gemstone that help you come out of the situation then it is nothing less than miracle to lovers. Here, we are going to tell you top 4 gemstones for lovers. It will help the lovers to strike a balance in relationship. Let us take a look at these gemstones.

1.  Rose Quartz:

Rose as we know is synonymous of love; hence Rose quartz comes up as the perfect stone for lovers. If you are afraid to confess your love, wear rose quartz beads in rings. It will give you the power to confess your love to your beloved. The best part is that you can expect a positive answer from the other side. Wearing Rose Quartz beads in rings and bracelets develops the quality of forgiveness, respect and patience. All these qualities are of utmost importance for a successful relationship. Keep a Rose Quartz in your bedroom and see how love and trust flows into your life.

Rose Quartz Beads

2.  Ruby:

The enticing red pink blood gemstone reminds you of the beautiful heart. If you are into a relationship but finding it difficult to take it to the next level that is wedding then wear Ruby Gemstone beads in jewelry. Whatever the problem is whether it is approval of parents, society or your own sweetheart all will turn into your favor within a short span. The ruby gemstone brings commitment, integrity, devotions in the life of lovers. The other remarkable quality of the stone includes stamina, vitality and playfulness, all these ensures that there is not a single dull moment in lovers life. The ruby is expensive, but remember love is priceless. Remember, you are just paying a fraction to get the love for all your life.

3.  Moonstone:

The mysterious moonstone is a boon for lovers. The stone not only helps in falling in love but ensure that the attraction and respect remain between the couples for a lifetime. Married couples should place it just below their pillow how cupid smiles at them. The stunning stone also helps estranged couples to unite. Isn’t it something that most people will desire? The Moonstone gemstone comes up as a perfect gift for newlywed.

Moonstone Gemstones

4.  Blue Lace Agate:

Most lovers break up because they didn’t feel the same feeling, passion and affection they felt in the beginning as the time passes. It mainly happens after marriage because other responsibilities take precedence over love. In case, your relationship is going through this phase then it is the time that you wear Blue Lace Agate beads in a locket. It will surely do wonders in your life.

If you are facing any problem in your love life then don’t lose hope. Get any of these gemstones today and fill your life with love, happiness and bliss forever.

Pure Science: Common Pearl Treatments that Turn Them Alive

In a world driven by the love for diamond and ruby beads, garnets, the pearls have a place of reverence in the gemstone market. Revered for their clarity and pristine beauty, since time immemorial, pearls have always been an item of great respect. From finding a place in God’s necklace to shining majestically atop the crowns of most powerful rulers, there is a story behind every pearl. After all, pearls are one of the few known organic gemstones found exclusively on the planet.

Ruby gemstones beads

Not all naturally produced pearls have the signature lustre and translucency. Most pearls require an additional treatment to derive the clear appearance.

Here is what you should know about pearl treatments in a highly competitive industry.

Accepted commercial pearl treatments:

Polishing is a world-renowned process done to improve the lustre of the pearls. It has been established as an accepted process since many centuries, much before the technology to dye and heat up the pearls were discovered.

The common treatment used in pearl manufacturing and marketing industry are:

-  Irradiation
-  Bleaching and dyeing
-  Heating
-  Waxing
-  Filling and working
-  Drilling
-  Cutting

Any treatment is engaged in pearl manufacturing only after ensuring its credibility in alleviating the aesthetic and economical value of the item. All pearls are anyhow polished and cleaned off the organic debris before setting up for sale in the market.

For a lustrous shine, a pearl is subjected to following treatments.

  • Dyeing:

Pearls are subjected to a solution of silver nitrate and oils. They give the pearl gemstones a more uniform shade. The use of silver nitrate works in the same way as in the development of a photographic film in dark room. The pearl gets a rich metallic sheen with a blackish shade. Over a period of time, the effect of dyeing fades away.

  • Irradiation:

It is done using powerful gamma radiations on Akoya pearls. Since it involves use of radiation, only certified pearl treatment units are allowed to carry out the process legitimately.

The irradiation produces a more consistent appearance, with iridescence conspicuously visible on the surface. Unlike dyeing, irradiation of pearl gives a long lasting effect.

  • Maeshori:

Though a Japanese term, this treatment has found its way into freshwater pearl and Tahitian pearl manufacturing. The process involves systematic heating and subsequent cooling of the pearl to tighten up the nacre. It is more of a makeover or a facelift for the pearls, deriving a rather long-lasting lustre without the involvement of any chemical agent.

Treatment traces in the market:

Some pearls can lose their sheen by the time they reach the market. Some of them may even lose it after buying! As a pearl lover, you must verify the authenticity of the pearls beforehand by checking out the nature of treatment done during processing.

From concentration to consistency, an artificially enhanced pearl is hard to detect unless tagged correctly by the manufacturer. The only way to find out the true story of pearl treatment after processing is to do a destructive test! And it is a very expensive test to perform.

Gems from the Space: The Peridot

Earth is home to some of the rarest known gemstones, but most of them owe their existence to homely terrestrial conditions that evolved over a period spanning billions of years. Diamonds and ruby gemstones are widely accepted as gemstones that exist in the Earth’s crust.

Rubies beads

Owing to the rarity, space gemstones are costly assets and often exhibited in restricted shows. Peridot is one of those gemstones that owe their existence to extra-terrestrial collisions and meteorite showers.

Let us dig out more about peridots.

Why peridot?

French named the stone as “peritot” meaning “gold”. Local dialects diluted the word to Peridot. Often considered as a part of stardust, peridots found on Earth are extracted from deepest mines. The one dug out from the earth’s crust is actually olivine. Peridot on Earth is an olivine with high percentage of magnesium. Another famous variety of peridot is forsterite that has no explainable origin. This is the gemstone that scientists believe owes its origin to collisions and meteor showers.

Sources of peridot:

Signature peridot gemstones are mined from St. John’s Island or Zabargad (Egypt) and San Carlos Apache Reservation, Arizona (USA).

Peridots on moon and Mars:

Dust collected from Moon and Mars share a similar timeline as those found on Earth. More or less, Peridot gemstones found on Earth, moon and Mars have the same origin, which proves that these planets and satellite were created around the same time.
Asteroids crashing onto the surface of the Earth carried gemstone predecessors. Peridot from space were pushed into the deep pockets, and time played its role in turning them into brilliant rocks. Due to tectonic movement and volcanic activity, oldest known peridots are snorted out.

The love for peridot:

What is diamond to the world today, Peridot meant to Egyptians and Babylonians. Mini-sized Peridots were cut and placed on the armour and crowns of pharaohs. Tombs and mausoleums were decorated with peridot of all shapes and colours. Called the “Ra stone” or the “Sun stone”, peridot has a blazing yellow green colour.

Peridot as a gemstone is loved because of its:

-    Sparkling colour
-    Chatoyant effect with mottled clarity
-    Oval, emerald cuts and cushion cuts
-    Carat size ranging between 25 ct. and 50 ct.

The finishing touch:

Peridot has good hardness raking 7 on Mohs scale. It can be easily cut to smaller carat sizes using corundum and diamond saws. It is susceptible to fracture due to intense heat treatment and brutal force.

Peridot is often treated with iron oxide (ferric) to achieve the legendary yellow green shade. The intensity makes the gemstone stable in diffused light. Peridot is one of the few gemstones exhibiting chatoyancy and double refraction. The double refraction reveals the two pavilion facets distinctly, even when observed with naked eyes.

In recent years, there have been remarkable surge in a special category of gemstones called “pallasites”. Pallasites or space gemstones as they are known among gemologists have a special place of reckoning among gemstone collectors.

World’s Richest and Oldest Gemstone Source: Zabaragad

Do you know that the oldest known gemstone region is actually a secluded island in the Red Sea? Now a part of Egypt, Zabargad was indeed the most prolific gemstone region in the ancient world, and to an extent even now. Even today, high quality Forsterite gemstone and peridots are found exclusively in this part of the world. Known to the world as St. John’s Island, the island also produces exciting varieties of rubies, sapphires, emeralds, topaz and spinel gemstone.

spinel gemstones

If you are planning to explore a gemstone region, Zabargad in Egypt is the mecca for every gemstone collector.

Here’s what you should know about the place and its wide assortment of gemstone colonies.

Zabargad is no ordinary island:

Unlike most islands that have risen up due to volcanic activity, Zabargad was pushed upwards from the ocean floor by the colliding African and the Eurasian plate billions of years ago. Geologist call this period as the “Quaternary Period”, and the very movement caused the formation of many gemstones under intense pressure and heat.

Romans and Macedonians established the value of peridot and identified the island as the “Kingdom of gems”. The island was then named as “Topazios”. To keep the island safe from pirates and other empires, the romans spread the myth about the island as the abode of “serpents”.

For ages, European tradesmen marketed green peridots as emeralds. Only in 17th century, the gemologists made the first distinction between the Zabargadperidot and the emeralds.

Parts of islands:

The most fascinating aspect of exploring Zabargad is its geologically rich landscape. The hills and oubliettes are named after respective gemstones that are found there. For instance, the Peridot Hill! The Spinel pit and the Topaz cell are other protected areas that were once known to source gemstones.

A rich colony of corals surround the island, and remains one of the first known sources of coral gemstone. Even the plantation houses the organic source of amber and jet lignite.

The competition from other regions:

Once the Indian diamonds, Burmese rubies and Sri Lankan sapphires made it big into the European market, the peridots of Zabargad lost their importance to a significant extent. Here are top places in the world that are now fighting for the revered position of world’s largest producer of gemstones.

  • Mogok Valley, Myanmar

The exploits of the British took Mogok to the pinnacle of gemstone market. It remains the largest producer of precious and semi-precious stones in the world. Mogok is also called the “Valley of Rubies”, and produces chrysoberyl, moonstone and garnets.

  • Coober Pedy, Australia

The abode of the opals, this Australian is now a heritage site supplying more than 95% of the world’s opals!

  • Ratnadeep, Sri Lanka

In English, it translates to “The Gem Island”, and it continues to be an apt name! Enshrined in the list of world’s best gemstones, Ratnadeep is home to Alexandrite, star stones, and of course the majestic Blue Sapphire.

Madagascar is probably the only island after Zabargad to hold such a prestigious place in a gem collector’s travel diary. Enjoy the destinations.

Best of Gemstone Collection Tips from Professional Collectors

As kids, we all loved collecting items that meant a lot to us then.  In gemstone market, there are a handful of collectors who are in a serious business of collecting rarest of the rare gemstones and displaying their prized possessions at a handsome price. If you are smitten by the shiny hard rocks, here are some truly delightful gemstones that you can consider collecting and build a gallery of your own.

But before that a few guidelines and tips.

1.  Unique and incredibly rare:

Not all gemstones are not that fascinating as say a peridot or a garnet or even an emerald. You have to be really choosy in collecting only those gemstones that have a reputation of being rare or unique in their own ways.

2.  Colour and clarity:

Shiny and brilliant gems have a higher adulation than the opaque ones. If you are truly in the game of collecting unique gemstones, try segmenting your gallery in terms of optical properties, colour and even cuts and shapes.

3.  Price tag:

Oh yes, this is the most uncomplicated filter for any collector. Higher the price higher will be the fan-following! There are high-priced gemstones that you may not have even heard of... Explore them beyond the world of diamonds, rubies and ambers.

4.  Care and maintenance:

Most gemstones require an elaborate care and maintenance routine, and that’s where full-time collectors score big. They rely a lot on technology and latest in gemstone cleansing methods.

5.  The world of faux pas:

The life of a gemstone collector revolves around trust and reputation. Even if you manage to collect and display a single gemstone- real and verified source, you are right up there in the league of top professionals. Don’t rely on cheap sources. You are what your gemstone sources make you.

New world of gemstones:

For the love of intense colour and high-quality brilliance, you can start exploring a whole new dimension in gemstone collection. Here are some of the least heard gemstones that most collectors usually have hard time finding in the local market.


This beautiful energetic blue coloured gemstone belongs to the family of sodalite. First discovered in 1807 in Italy, this gemstone has the highest refractive index for any naturally occurring item- 1.50!

Known sources of Hauyne are Mount Vesuvius, Lake Laach (Germany), Alban Hills (Rome) and Cripple Creek (Colorado, USA).


Another blue gemstone belonging to the family of alumina-silicates, Kyanite is exclusively used in the electronic industry. Priced at $50-100 per carat, there are other varieties of Kyanite occurring in shades of pink, red, orange and blue-green.


Heard of the Light of the Desert! It is the largest known cerrusite ever discovered on the planet. Cerrusite means ‘White lead’, and this gemstone is actually an ore of lead. It is a prized collection owing to higher dispersion rating of 0.055 compared to diamond.


For an instant start:

If you wish to start with a safe foundation in gem collection, try out Burmese rubies, Sri Lankan emerald gemstone, Kashmir sapphire gemstone and Tanzanian garnets. You can easily build a respectable collection of real and marketable gemstones in less than a year.


Hybrid rubies: The New-age Multi-Faceted Gemstones

There was a time when rubies ruled the market. Despite their fault lines and flaws, the rubies old like hot buns. But today, if you are looking for clear brilliantly cut rubies, you would be disappointed, especially if you are planning to buy from a staple street-side market. Ever since the hybrid rubies have come into the market, the demands for artificial glass-filled gemstones have drastically fallen.

Why is that so? Well, the major reason behind the success of the hybrid rubies is its proximity in character to the naturally mined rubies and sapphire gemstone. Minus the flaws and add the durability- that is what hybrid ruby gemstones are all about.


If you are searching for rubies in the gemstone market, here is how you can make a distinct and informed choice on hybrid rubies and the real ones.

Do all rubies require hybrid processing?

No, all rubies don’t require hybrid processing. Despite the fact that only 1 in 100 naturally mined gemstones is ranked as the perfect stone, it is still considered as a healthy ratio. In order to save on the cost of commercial mining, the remaining 99 percent rubies are treated artificially with heat treatments, glass lead filling and other low-cost procedures.

Is hybrid ruby a misrepresentation in the gemstone industry?

There is still a lot of confusion surrounding the status of hybrid rubies. Many organizations consider the hybrid/ composite rubies as the corrected versions of natural gemstones. For them, the only difference in the two varieties lie in the way fractures and flaws appear under the microscope!

If you take into account the degree of stability and the cleaning process, the hybrid gemstones can’t match up to what natural gemstones deliver. Of course, the fragile gems like lapis lazuli, onyx and opal are distinct exceptions to these misrepresentations.

As per the latest rulings by international bodies regulating the gemstone quality, hybrid rubies are not same as the natural ones. They are not even an extension of the real ones.

Why are they in so much demand?

First, the cost of hybrid rubies is nowhere close to what real ones are demanding.  But even if you consider the cost of manufacturing a one carat hybrid ruby, it is an economical affair, with numerous profit channels. Big industries like jewellery makers, fashion apparels, art decors dealers and trophy makers rely heavily on the supply of such beautiful and sparkling hybrid gems, creating a steady flow of demand for these rocks.


Even at 40% lead-glass composition, these hybrid gemstones easily rake in a price tag of USD 50-75 per carat.

The good and the bad of hybrid rubies:

Hybrid rubies look delightful and can be almost passed off as a real ruby set. Even under the microscope, they look just as authentic as the natural stones. Only with regular use can one identify the tangible worth of these gemstones. Fragile, susceptible to scratches and chipping at ends make hybrid gemstones a short term romance.

Even compared to the traditionally treat rubies, these hybrid gemstones start losing their sheen after a few years. But for imitation jewellery makers and fashion designers, these cheap hybrid rubies are perfect accessories.



4 Fashionable Gemstone terms you should know in 2016

With each passing year, there is a significant rise in demand for different types of natural gemstones. In 2016, the technology of cutting and polishing gemstones has reached a “never seen before” stage where new definitions and concepts are ruling the roost.
If you are new to gemstone industry, and are exploring the world of assembling top grade gems, here are 4 terms you should know in 2016!

1.  Opal doublets:

Also called the composite opals, opal doublets are actually two gemstones glued back-to-back using resins and glues. There could be an opal as one layer glued to other materials. Man-made doublets include a well-rounded off opal glued to black industrial glass or vitrolite.

The doublets are classified as primary opal gemstone or a secondary opal, depending on the thickness of the natural gemstone. Used in jewellery, opal doublets are very hard to distinguish from their natural counterparts.


Opal doublet is given a cabochon cut for the superior gem-like finish.

2.  Opal triplets:

Triplets are not as extensive as doublets. The triplet has three layers-

  • Black base
  • Thin layer of natural opal (usually white opal)
  • Clear slice of quartz, glass acting as a capping

The difference in layering adds weight to the opal, without compromising on the clarity and translucency of the natural gemstone.

Compared to the doublets, opal triplets are cheaper but serve just the same purpose in jewellery making, especially considering the fact that natural opal gemstone is very fragile, and often chips away.


The doublets and triplets remain intact for years, if not decades, and hence give the opal a sense of durability for a longish use.

3.  B Jade:

Jade is a popular ornamental rock, and counted as a semi-precious gemstone. There are two distinct varieties of jade with similar silicate crystalline structure:

  • Nephrite
  • Jadeite

“B Jade” is an artificially treated jadeite that is bleached in acid and later doped with the polymer resin to enhance its look. The B Jade family has a clear, spider-web like crystalline structure bearing a smooth apple green shade. The bleaching and subsequent impregnation process leave absolutely no trace of spotting on the surface.

In jade gemstone market, there are different categories:

  1. A Jade: Bee-waxed jade with no artificial treatment or bleaching
  2. C Jade: Dyed B-Jade
  3. D Jade: Dyed Jadeite

In 2016, the B Jade is back in popularity after revisions in technology and acceptance of polymeric doping as a regularised process in lapidary.

4.  Lead-glass filling Rubies/ sapphires:

Also called composite ruby gemstone and sapphire gemstone, these are hybrid gemstones made using combination of lead-glass and corundum. Natural ruby is brown and hard, which makes them hard to cut. When combined with lead-glass, the ruby transforms into a clearer and brilliant gemstone that is easier to cut. In normal market, hybrid rubies can be as much as 35%!


Though rated as one of the least accepted heat treatment process for ruby enhancement, lead glass filling clears up the impurities and the rutile silk structure is very much

The world of Assembled Gemstones is Growing Big

With the demand for natural gemstones putting immense pressure on the market, there have been resurgent rise of composite gemstones too. Called by many names in the industry, assembled gemstones or hybrids are not 100% natural material. They contain the significant amount of man-made materials like glass, corundum, resin polymers and dyeing agents, but still command a position to reckon with. At least in the fashion and imitation jewellery industry assembled rubies, sapphires, emeralds and turquoise have a huge demand.

Let us dig a little about the hybrid or assembled rubies, sapphires gemstone and emerald beads.


Assemble gemstones: The definition:

An assembled gemstone is a combination of two or more materials. They could be singly natural or a blend of artificial and natural stones. For instance ruby and lead glass in Lead-glass filling gemstones. The commonly identified gemstones in the assembled categories are:

  • Doublets and triplets
  • Inlays
  • Mabe pearls
  • Reconstructed, re-crystallized and restructured gemstones

But is assembling really an alternative! Here are five popular reasons given by the manufacturers to give synthetic process a legitimate backing in the market.

  • Give the gemstone a greater durability making them more wearable as a daily use accessory
  • Boost the pricing and quality in terms of clarity, carat weight and fault filling
  • Add desirable fillers and dyeing agents to make them more saleable
  • Build a distinct family of gemstones that are hybrid, and not synthetic

Popular assemble gemstones:

Doublets and triplet Opals:

Without doubt, the doublets and triplets are popular as widely accepted hybrid gemstones. They are done exclusively for opals. White opal is used as a sandwich in triple layers, where the base is a black backing glass material, while the top surface is a translucent plastic that delivers a higher refractive index.

Like a cementing, opal gemstones assembled as a doublet and triplets have the desired thickness and strength, without compromising on the lustre, refractive index, translucency and hardness.

Apart from the fragile gemstone like opal, lapis lazuli, black onyx, turquoise and quartz are other naturally extracted items cut into doublets and triplets for a fashionable market.

Mabe Pearls:

Cultured pearls are susceptible to scratches and breaking. Mabe pearls are assembled gemstones using a blister dome cut apart from the mother shell. Mabe pearls can be attached back-to-back as if they look like a single wholesome pearl.

Composite Hybrid rubies:

Rubies and sapphires often carry a fault that requires filling. Fillers like dyeing agents, polymer resins and lead glass are used in the faulty gemstones. Use of composite materials as a filler occurs as an indistinct process where it is hard to detect the presence of unnatural material using unaided vision.

Point of caution:

Assembled gemstones can’t be cleaned and maintained like regular natural stones. Techniques like ultra-sound cleaning and laser treatment can affect the bond, giving rise to visible fault lines.

As a buyer, you must look for hints in the gemstone surface to distinguish the assembled gemstones from the real ones. From weight in carats to their clarity, there are many ways assembled gemstones catch the attention of usual buyers.


Adularescence Effect in Moonstones make them Priceless

Milky white gemstones with colourful sparkles symbolise the love for translucent dazzlers. Yes, glassy and clear gemstones like diamond, garnets, rubies, sapphires and emeralds remain the top eye-catchers. But there is a certain attraction that makes opals, moonstones and agate very popular. The optical phenomenon of adularescence is what renders these gemstones their enticing beauty.

What is an adularescent gemstone?

Crystals exhibiting the Schiller effect are called as adularescent stones, which is very similar to the labrador essence and adventure scene. Adularescent gemstones exude a milky and bluish glow originating from the diffused structure within the crystal. The schiller seems to move within the stone, and hence gives an effect of the light source moving as well. Orange and blue lustres are commonly seen in the gemstones.

Why adularescent?

The name ‘adularescence’ is derived from the gemstone called Adularia. Adularia itself derives its name from the location where it was first discovered. Adularia is orthoclase potassium-enriched feldspar found in Adula Massif, Ticino (Tessin), Switzerland in 1780.

The degree of schiller effect in the gemstones other than Adularia is a highly varying and hence remains a scattered phenomenon. In non-Adularia gemstones, schiller effect appears along with ‘girasol effect’and opalescence. Some gem experts like to connect adularescence with indistinct bands of chatoyant effect. In other words, adularescent gemstones are likely to showcase cat’s eyes effects and asterism.

Adularescent Moonstones:

Labradorescence and adularescence are related terms as far as optical phenomena are concerned. Both of them are seen in moonstone Gemstone and Labradorite in equal intensity. The similarity arises due to their origin from feldspar.

Moonstone has two feldspar minerals in it- orthoclase and albite. Adularescent moonstones exhibit intermingling of the minerals and result in a new ingrown stacked in alternate rows. The light scatters randomly between the thin lines and layers causing a blue sheen. When the moonstone gemstone beads are viewed in different angles, the misty light also rolls in action.


How to check for a real Moonstone:

Moonstones are approved of their originality by checking three factors:

  • Background colour
  • Surface colour
  • Sheen orientation

The adularescent gemstones are semi-transparent and colourless, with sheens bearing shades of blue, silver and rose. Rainbow moonstone show multiple colours like green, yellow and brown-grey. In terms of pricing, brighter the shade, higher will be the cost. High valued moonstones exhibit a 3-dimensional depth in blue shade. Blue moonstones necessarily command a higher price than milky and transparent adularescent gems.

How cut makes a difference?

Moonstones are often shaped in the beads and balls, stranded in necklace and bracelets. The adularescent moonstone is cut in cabochon that multiplies the sheen and clarity of the colours. Oval moonstones cut in cabochon remains top collections, apart from the Fancy Cut and Pointcuts with the square base.

For uniform adularescence effect, moonstones are never given a long flat base. They diminish the effect and also take away the sheen and clarity. In short, flat based moonstones are not as attractive and glittery as the cabochon ovals.



Star Gemstones: Asterism in its Enticing Glory

Mankind has always been drawn to the mystical skies shinning with uncountable number of stars. Since time immemorial, numerous artworks have been inspired by the stars and planets twinkling. And when someday, gemstones with starry dazzle were discovered, it meant owning the stars. Meanwhile not all gemstones known to man exhibit the starry dazzle and it is an exclusive phenomenon. But why is that? That’s because, it is an optical property based on the crystal structure.

What is the phenomenon called?

The property is called asterism. Asterism is an optical phenomenon that occurs sparingly in some gemstones. When the light beam passes through the crystal, it showcases star-shaped figure. In astronomy, asterism is defined as a pattern of stars. It is very different from what we know as a constellation. Asterism is a pattern of stars or constellations which may not be recognised in any form.

Types of Asterism:

There are two distinct types of asterism exhibited by the gemstones found naturally. They are:

  • Epi-asterism:

Seen in sapphire gemstone and garnet beads, epi-asterism is caused due to the reflection of the light along the parallel planes formed from inclusions/ rutile within the gem crystal.


  • Di-asterism:

Commonly seen in the Rose Quartz, the phenomenon is seen when the light source is behind the stone. The phenomenon is seen in crystals with milky and opaque appearance.

In short, di-asterism in gemstone is caused by a transmitted light, while epi-asterism occurs due star formation from a reflected light beam. Diffused light sources don’t form star shapes in the gemstones.

Asterism in Sapphires:

The first instance of gemstone asterism was discovered by the Greeks. The cuts necessarily enhance the phenomenon. For example, star sapphires cut in cabochon display six-rayed star pattern. Other stones that exhibit the property are rubies, topaz, chrysoberyl and moonstone. The presence of titanium oxide particles, called rutile, gives the gemstones their trademark asterism.

Gemstones with asterism have always been linked to folklore and superstition. They were believed to ward off evils in the dark and keep the faith strong. Star Spinel, garnet, Diopside and sapphires were specifically cut to enhance the healing properties of the protective gemstones.

Asterism in Quartz:

Pink and red quartz exhibit asterism that occurs due to transmitted light. Citrines also reveal asterism when heated to a certain temperature. The heating dissolves the finely lined rutile particles an align them to form stars. Round cut quartz are known to showcase exciting play of star formation, with interesting planes.

Asterism in Synthetic gemstones:

Synthetic corundum is aluminium oxide which is largely produced to replace diamonds in cutting and abrasive tools. The asterism is seen in corundum gemstones.


Commercial influence on Star gemstones:

Asterism is a key commercial feature that makes the gemstone look rarer in the market. Star beryl and star spinel gemstones are anyways rare, which are complemented with immaculate cuts and shapes. Star gemstones too have to meet the 3 C’s parameter to qualify as precious item: Colour, clarity and Carat.

