An all Seeing Eye ~ Tiger Eye

The Nature’s Wonder! 9 out of 10 people are passionate working with gemstones. But they are too tired of spending money on jewelry that fell apart. The jewel box seems full of broken jewelry and loose Gemstones. So when Ratna Sagar Jewels started manufacturing gemstone jewelry, they had to be more cautious with the designs and the quality of work.

Our jewelry is inspired by gemstones that are found in the stretches of the world in an array of colors. The love of Gemstones is shared here. Each day we are posting interesting stuff about a new gemstone.

Today we’re holding The Tiger’s Eye in our creative hands, allowing it’s attributes to ultimately determine the design to come out. We’re posting about the General, Scientific Mystical, Healing and Magical details along with the care and uses of Tiger’s Eye.

This gemstone is renowned as the chatoyant gemstone meaning that it displays a unique property of optics in which it looks like a tiger’s eye in the dark. It is usually found in the metamorphic rocks in South Africa and East Asia which are its leading producers. Depending on the source and the way these stones are cut and polished, their color can be red or dark yellow. Several imitations of the Tigers Eye are available now days including grass imitations.

Scientific studies reveal that this stone is used in relieving high blood pressure. It helps in bronchial asthma, rheumatic heart diseases, Otis and psoriasis. It also shows its benefits for the week and the sick.

“Said to possess the powers of the earth and the sun, it is said that when you carry a piece of tiger’s eye, by the end of the day any deception will be revealed.”

Understanding the meaning of the tiger’s eye stones is a matter of looking at the physical properties of the crystal. The deep brown color that it has represents its connection with grounding and the practical energies of the earth. The golden hues and the light shine of this quartz crystal banded with the deeper shade of brown represents the unique bonding with intuitive, creative and solar energy. The tiger’s eye is a symbol of manifestation and clarity.

Tiger Eye Gemstone Beads

The healing powers of the mystic stone have come into play for ages now. Historically, Tiger’s Eye has been used in protective medicine. It is said that the Roman soldiers would wear the engraved stones during battle; it is especially beneficial against dark magic. As a good luck stone, it is also used for discerning the truth in a situation. Being a stabilizing stone it promotes mental clarity and emotional balance. It heals and balances solar Plexus. Tiger’s Eye is also associated with prosperity, abundance and success.

If you are habitual of giving up and backing down from the fears that run in your mind, and of being easily distracted from what’s important, then Tiger Eye is the gem for you. It will clarify your vision and amplify your intention.

Ratna Sagar Jewels is the largest distributor of wholesale Tiger Eye Gemstone Beads. When you buy the Gemstone Beads from us, you’ll be making investments on gemstone fashion jewelry that you will wear for years. We drive to provide quality jewelry and beaded creations for the discriminating buyers – those people who appreciate unusual beaded and gemstone jewelry that will not be found anywhere else.

The Mystery behind the Blue to Green stone – Turquoise

If you’re born in the month of December and all around you was snow, then, you should put your head on the Turquoise Blue. The stone will bring you success in whatever you tend to do.

The opaque, blue-to-green mineral is called turquoise. It has been the ornamental stone for years owing to its unique hue. Unlike all the other stones, Turquoise is one stone that appears in all the heavenly colors, varying from aqua blue to light azure green.

From the ancient time the wise men and healers have believed that gemstones have mystical powers in them, turquoise being one of them. It was frequently used for amulets because of the mystic virtues of the beauty that it possesses. It is said that the stone cures headache and its color changes when its owner is in danger. Well, the mysteries still remain and nothing in particular is crystal clear about the stone.

Turquoise Blue

The beautiful stone-turquoise possesses the properties of prosperity and success with qualities of protection, strengthening and regeneration. Turquoise is also believed to be an anti-inflammatory, this also enhances communication skills and keeps the calm of your body and mind. Well, too much of it can cause one to become fussy and egocentric, too little of t can make one become secretive and confused.

The tints of the color of turquoise have a sweet feminine feel in it. The darker shades of turquoise has a more sophisticated feel which are often used to represent water ad often call aqua and aquamarine. A perfect blend of the colors that make Turquoise ass a lot to its beauty.

The Road to the City of Sapphires is Paved with Yellow Brick!

Have you ever heard of the city of Sapphires? If  No, then let us introduce you to one.

The city of Sapphires is the imagination and fantasy of every ordinary person like you and me. Sapphires which is a associated with Dignity, Loyalty and  is a symbol of  Royalty.

Sapphires come in a rainbow of colors, ranging from vibrant blue of the midnight sky, to the darker shade of navy blue of  the midnight sky, the yellow reflections of the sun, the pink shade of dawn and dusk. What is generally called the Israel-Diamonds offer some unusual colors such as purple, orange, green and black.

Sapphires are the strongest hardest stones after diamonds and they also give a hard impression of royalty. They are made to undergo heat treatment to five them color and clarity.

The Yellow Sapphire or Pukhraj in common language is a strong stone and is associated with fertility and good marriage. As the stone is connected to Jupiter which is associated with the virtues of luck and prosperity. The sapphire propels a person towards luck and prosperity. It is expected to bring you fortunes in the field of teaching, business, law and trade.

Dreaming about the Yellow Sapphire indicates escapism from danger. It is a vivacious stone, re-energizing the emotional system. It helps a person feel more excited and joyful about all the possibilities that life has to offer and it encourages ones ideas and expressions with a feeling of confidence. It aids in overcoming fears and procrastination helping you to lead a life by taking continuous risks and still succeeding.

Yellow Sapphire

On a whole the mysteries continue to remain and Yellow Sapphire is sitting on the throne of  “Minister of All” since it is connected to the planet Jupiter which is portrayed as the educator of all the heavenly bodies prevailing in the universe.

The Touch of the Flame of Sulpur – Yellow Opal

The combination of silica and water that flowed into the rocks and the spaces in the ground formed something that is unique in every sense of the word and is commonly referred to as Opal. The material is then gradually made to harden itself and solidify itself.

 Opal contains water which gives it its property of  heat sensitivity. Otherwise the stone is soft and it it is easy to crack and chip it off. One basic need of Opal is to store it in moist absorbent cotton.

People who are emotional are advised to keep a category of Opal which is called Yellow Opal. The category that we are talking about in this article is Yellow Opal and it is a stone of ‘Emotional Stability’. It is generally used to amplify the positive emotions in a person and is also useful in balancing the crown chakra.

Since years the stone is symbolic of emotional stability and the ancient Romans even associated the stone with good luck and hope. Since for ages it has been called the stone of hope , the stone is a great achievement and is therefore even called the stone of the Gods.

 It is a soft Yellow stone with dark inclusions. Yellow Opal is generally preferable to people of Zodiac Cancer, Libra, Scorpio and Pisces. The Water and the Earth element that this stone has makes this stone fit for healing purpose and in bringing back the lost emotional stability.

Opal… Which is made up of the glories of the most precious stones that are known to mankind. To describe it is a matter off inexpressible difficulty. There is in it a gentle fire that Ruby has, the brilliant purple of the Amethyst, the sea-green of the Emerald, all of this shining together in an incredible union. This incredible union has given birth to Yellow Opal where you see the bright light shining and the flame of sulphur.

 A stone that is incredible in every sense of the word and is wondrous by nature.

Yellow Opal

Cats Eye Scapolite Gemstone Beads

Cats Eye Scapolite Gemstone Beads is in true sense refers to its name due to its varying color from cloudy yellow to brownish green color which resemble to eye color of some cat blessed with lustrous feature. Measuring the hardness of 8.5 on the Moh's scale this gemstone is an expensive form of Chrysoberyl. Normally it is found in Burma, but apart from this it is also available in Sri Lanka, and Brazil. According to folklore this gemstone is quick acting gemstone which reveals its spiritual powers to the user instantly and therefore it should be used with proper precautions.

Cats Eye Scapolite Gemstone Beads

It is said that it strengthens financial position of the user and showers happiness from all sides to the user. Besides being bestowed with fascinating and spiritual powers this stone is also blessed with various healing powers and it is believed that it is also blessed with healing powers and is considered beneficial in joint pains, anxiety and different types of skin diseases.

Introduction of Brown Zircon Gemstone Beads

Zircon constitutes an important gemstone in niche of semi Precious Gemstones which despite of being used as jewelry items is also used as a precious asset by stone lovers. With hardness of 7.5 on Moh’s scale Zircon is one of the hardly gemstones which is used in production of fascinating jewelry items. However it would be interested to learn that despite of their hard nature this gemstone is very soft and easily cracks if their crystal lattice are pressurized or dislocated.

Brown Zircon Gemstone Beads

Like other gemstones there are various folklores associated with use of brown Zircon it is considered as the zodiac stone of persons born in month of December, apart from it is also believed that use of this gemstone delivers mental peace to the wearer. It is also believed that use of this gemstone enhances knowledge and richness of the wearer.


Introduction and Features of Black Spinel gemstone

Black Spinel is long lasting gemstone rating 8 on Mohs scale, due to its scratch resistance nature this gemstone is considered more durable as compared to other gemstones. The history of this gemstone goes back to ancient time at the time of its inception in Badakshan erstwhile known as Balas or Balasica in northern region of Afghanistan. The name Spinel is derived from Latin word Spina referring to thorns, which is due to sharp nature of spinel crystals. It would be interested to know that in earlier days this stone was regarded as Ruby by the ancient people due to same features adhered in both the gemstones. At present apart from being extracted in Badakshan, this gemstone is also available in Thailand, Burma, Sri Lanka and large portions of Africa. Black Spinel gemstone is extensively used in creating fascinating pendants, necklaces and different types of jewelry items.

Black Spinel gemstone

Features Of Black Spinel gemstone

 (1): Use of this gemstone helps in strengthening your love relations with dear ones and is said to generate positivity at the times of problems and sorrows.

(2):  It is also believed that due to its immortality feature it blesses long life to the user.

 (3): It is folklore that this stone is bestowed with spiritual powers thus enhances hope, willpower of the wearer, thus making him ready to face various problems of his life with full courage.

(4):  As the survival period of this gemstone dates back to ancient times it has been endorsed by people of all periods. It is said that use of this gemstone enhances the inner beauty of the user and helps him in enjoying success in all fields of his life, in which earlier he had faced failure.

 (5):   An interesting feature of this gemstone is that it is suitable to women of all ages despite of their age difference, and adds grace to their looks.

Introduction and Features of Bi-Color Quartz Gemstone Beads

Bi-colored quartz is the commonly found crystal mineral available on earth and is blessed with wide range of mystifying features due to which it is recognized with different names. As the name suggests Bi-colored quartz, it is perfect combination of different crystals especially amethyst and citrine. The hardness of this quartz falls between 6.5 to 7 on Moh’s scale. Normally category of quartz in divided in two different categories depending upon the individual crystals and   crystalline quartz. Among both these categories individual crystals can be seen by naked eye whereas crystalline quartz can be seen through magnifying glass. As a general practice Bi-colored quartz is available in rectangle shape carrying the appropriate mixture of two different colors. However sometimes it is also available in checkerboard shape so as to enhance the reflection of light. The worth mentioning factor which should be considered while observing Bi-colored quartz is its depth and intensity of colors merged in it and their division.

Bi-Color Quartz Gemstone Beads

Features Of Bi-colored quartz
Bi-colored quartz is bestowed with metaphysical properties of both amethyst and ametrine gemstones. Due to which along from being used as attractive jewelry items it is also blessed with various spiritual and healing powers.

(2):  To retain the real shine of quartz for long time it is should be protected from different chemicals beings used at home for instance soaps and washing powder, apart from this it should also be protected from direct heat. Otherwise the direct connection with heat may destroy their color. The best way for last lasting grace of this quartz is to keep it in fabric lined box and keep it away from other jewelry items so as to protect it from scratches of other jewelry items.

Aquamarine Gemstone Beads

Are You Aware of the Myriad Benefits of Citrine Gemstone?

Citrine Gemstone is basically a quartz crystal that’s yellow to orange.  It is the birthstone for November and has great affinity with horoscopes are Gemini, Aries, Libra, Leo. In the past, darker orange colored citrine gemstones were considered the best but today people prefer bright lemony shades over them.

Brilliant yet affordable, citrine gemstones not only suit all kinds of jewelry, but they also look exceptionally well with the yellow sparkle of polished gold. The yellow colour is a natural reviver and citrine stimulates logical thinking and self confidence. It also helps in meditation so that you can easily establish a connection between your conscious and subconscious mind. So whenever you are feeling low, carrying citrine gemstone can help you a lot.

Citrine Gemstone

In ancient times, citrine was renowned as ‘merchant-stone’ and businessmen often kept it in their cash counters to attract wealth and prosperity. Similarly in Chinese culture, it was believed that keeping citrine gemstone in south-east corner of the room can attract good fortunes. The gemstone was also considered as an antidote against snake poison and was also supposed to be effective in getting rid of evil spirits.

To make the most of citrine gemstone, you should carry it in your pocket or bag.  If you love jewelry, you can also jewelry made of citrine gemstone beads.  Ratna Sagar Jewels is the best place to buy citrine gemstone beads online. This leading online gemstone store also offers good discount on every Wholesale Citrine Gemstone Beads order.