You will be pleased to hear that owning a piece of ruby jewelry is a lucky charm for you if you are a fortunate July born. The birthstone for July is ruby, which is also one of the most valuable colored gemstones in the world and often even more valuable than diamonds! Its natural color and beauty, integrity, happiness, healing, courage, romance, zeal, and charity are what distinguish this stone from other wholesale gemstone beads. Moreover, inspiration, wealth, vigor, strength, and leadership qualities are summed up by rubies. It has been said that rubies stand for integrity, promise, love, success, and passion. All around the world, but primarily from Madagascar, India, Thailand, and Myanmar, are rubies.
11 Facts About Ruby Gemstone Beads
1. The red color of rubies is caused by trace levels of chromium in corundum, which is their primary constituent. Any other corundum stone color, including blue, green, yellow, and more, is sapphire! The Latin term rubens, meaning red, is where the name "ruby" originates.
2. Depending on the hue, the part of the world it was found in, and, of course, one's own opinion, pink corundum is sometimes referred to as pink sapphire and other times as pink ruby!
3. Rubies can be cut into practically any shape because they are such a hard stone (9 on the Mohs scale, only surpassed by diamonds). This makes them ideal for cabochons, rose cuts, faceted stones of numerous shapes and cuts, or even beads.
4. When it involves gemstones, rubies are the various rarest—they're even rarer than diamonds, particularly on the subject of larger-than-carat rubies. Due to their first rate fine and color, rubies from Myanmar (Burma) are the rarest and maximum precious gemstones.
5. Rubies with a deep, wealthy purple hue that barely leans blue are the maximum precious. Nonetheless, practically all natural rubies undergo treatment to fortify and enhance their color. In the jewelry industry, this is the normal procedure.
6. Ruby defects are very universal. Imperfect rubies are extremely rare and fetch even greater prices than comparable-weight and quality diamonds.
7. Rubies may be found all over the world, including the USA, Africa, Australia, and Myanmar (formerly Burma).
8. Ruby's red color was said to have sprung from an enduring interior flame by the ancient Hindus, who saw the stone as a representation of eternal affection. To ensure that no one could defeat them in combat, ancient Burmese warriors would place a ruby under their skin.
9. During the Middle Ages, rubies were thought to have the ability to prophesy. They were said to darken in color when danger was approaching and to lighten again after it had passed. The Bible makes mention of rubies four times. The Bible connects these gems to wisdom and beauty.
10. Red spinels were mistaken for rubies up until the turn of the 1800s. Prior to it being revealed that they and many other red stones were actually red spinels, well-known stones like "Black Prince Ruby" and "Timur Ruby" were thought to be rubies. The United Kingdom`s Imperial State Crown is embellished with the Black Prince's Ruby.
11. Finally, here is a amusing reality for you: the "Hope Ruby," which weighed 32.08 carats and brought $6.seventy four million at auction, became the maximum highly-priced ruby ever sold.
Final Words
Only the best grade diamonds available worldwide are showcased by Ratna Sagar Jewels, placed within exquisite craftsmanship of the greatest caliber. Our diamonds are personally chosen, beautifully cut, hand-set with great care, and certified from an exceptional pedigree. All of our creations are completely unique and created with love by our Master Jewelers. Although diamonds are timeless, genuine rubies of superior quality are even more valuable. Because rubies are more uncommon than diamonds or other gemstones and because they maintain their value and market demand better, gem buyers rank rubies as the best stone to invest in. Rubies are incredibly strong, resilient materials that never go out of style and may be appreciated on a daily basis. Investing in a Ruby gemstone beads or a set of ruby earrings is a wise decision. Ruby values are unaffected by external factors. In addition to being passed down as an heirloom to the family's next generations.
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