Green Apatite’s green color reminds you about the beauty of the nature. It is a dual action crystal. It spreads positivity, happiness and good health. It encourages you to speak truth, which will help you in every aspect of life. The stone encourages you to use your knowledge and skills for the welfare of mankind.
It is the birth stone of people born between April 20 May 21. Its Olive Green version is the birthstone of people born between May 21st and June 20. The crystal leads to self awakening, aids in learning and keep you happy.
Let us take a look at top 15 benefits of green apatite.
1. It enhances eye hand coordination in children. The crystal helps grownups in better man and resource management.
2. The stone develops social skills. People who find it hard to interact with others, will find that after wearing green apatite beads in jewelry they are instantly able to strike a rapport with people. It makes them popular in social circle.
3. If you are animal lover then you are surely going to love the unique quality of the stone. It helps you communicate with animals and birds. It is also beneficial in healing of animals.
4. Keeping Green Apatite in office will automatically make your workers spend less time on social media, chatting, phone and the internet. The result will be in front you in form of an increase in output.
5. It keeps you motivated and ensures that you never lose enthusiasm. It very important especially when you are working on long term projects.
6. It is very good for women. It protects them from bone related ailments that happens old age. It makes the bones strong. It is also good for healing teeth related issues.
7. It helps you lose weight without taking any medication. It suppresses the hunger, without making you feel tired. It is known to reduce hypertension.
8. It assists in speedy recovery after surgery and illness. It gives the patient physical and emotional strength to hit the path of recovery quickly. It fills them with new energy.

9. Green apatite beads are very efficient in helping in recovering from heart surgeries, heart attacks or any kind of heart related disease.
10. Stress and anxiety are the reasons of many serious illnesses. It keeps stress and anxiety miles away from the person having the stone.
11. Green apatite plays a vital role in helping a person from bouncing back from broken relationship and heart aches. It gives you enough strength to move on from relationship that did not last.
12. It works on heart chakra. Makes it easy for you to accept changes in life. It removes karmic blockage and balances energy. It helps you to understand your own needs as well as requirement of your near and dear ones.
13. It aids in quick recovery from illness. It assists in emotional and physical healing. The stone gives power to learn about your past life.
14. if you are one of those people who have very less friends then wearing green apatite beads studded ring will attract people in life and you will get very good friends.
15. The stone is very beneficial if want to reconcile with your old love.
: Green apatite beads . Green apatite gemstones . Green apatite . Gemstone Beads