The attractive green aventurine gemstone is known as the stone of prosperity. It attracts tremendous wealth and success. Apart from green, aventurine gemstone is available in red, orange, yellow, reddish brown and gray colors. The stone is a favorite of people from every walk of life. Let us take quick look at top 15 features of Green Aventurine.
1. The stone attracts luck. It boosts chances of winning in every situation. It is the reason it widely adorned by athletes during the competition.
2. It helps you get rid of bad habits and old patterns that have been an obstruction in your growth. It feels life with new optimism and zest. Also, it gives you courage to accept changes in life.
3. It motivates people to pursue their dream and help them to achieve the same. It gives reasonable confidence in ones abilities to overcome obstacles in life without ever getting negative.
4. The green aventurine has a connection with the nature. It is the reason it attracts abundance. The stone when kept in home creates a positive aura.
5. Wearing Aventurine Gemstone Beads studded bracelet guards against electromagnetic emissions. Similarly, tapping it to mobile phone safeguards from mobile radiation.
6. It is very effective in controlling temper. It ensures that you don’t lose your temper no matter how worse the situation is. It ensures that there is no family dispute because of temperament issues.
7. The stone has excellent healing qualities. It helps patients recover from surgeries, circulatory problems and heart ailments. It is considered very effective in lowering cholesterol level.
8. It is very effective in treating skin diseases, migraine, urinary problems, allergies, dyslexia, astigmatism etc.
9. It helps to overcome stress of today’s hectic lifestyle. It fills the heart with immense peace and ecstasy. It fills the mind with beautiful thoughts. Also, it helps the wearer to get a very good sleep.
10. Green Aventurine recognizes the reason behind the disturbance in life. It gives strength to leave the past behind and look at things from a fresh prospective.
11. It is one of the rare gemstone that develops the quality of humor. Your brilliant sense of humor will changes thing around you and attract likeminded individuals in life.
12. Mediating with Green Aventurine attracts the earth energy. It assists in sailing through times when things are not favorable.
13. The gemstone has the power of nature. It brings luck and opportunities. If you are not getting success in business and promotion in job then wear green aventurine, soon you will see things turning in your favor.
14. If your business is in loss or you are planning to start new project then keeping Green Aventurine gemstone in your work place will give you financial success.
15. The green shade of Green Aventurine represents fertility. If the couples are childless then wearing the stone will bless the couple with kid. The laugher of kid will fill life with happiness. It will also bring the couples closer.
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