Many people are attracted by the hues of colored gemstones, but they often seem to lack adequate information on the same. Therefore, it is an excellent idea to acquire information on these stones so that you can understand the value of the gem, and why it is based on the color. In this context, there are some crucial basics that you need to know.
Know The Color-
Well, there are primarily three types of colors namely, red, blue and yellow, and there are three secondary colors. The secondary colors are obtained by mixing the primary colors and they become purple, green and orange. When any color is mixed with gray, black or white it can result in hues, saturation and tints.
Understanding Saturation:
Saturation refers to the percentage of gray in terms of the same lightness. All grays come with zero saturation, and therefore 100% saturation means 0% gray color. A gemstone will not have 100% saturation, but higher level of saturation will indicate higher value of the gem.
Understanding Hue:
Hues refer to the color that is perceived in purple, red, yellow, green and others. This also implies that black, white and gray does not contain any hue. Some hues are considered as more valuable and these include pink and blue, yellow and purple.
Understanding Tint:
Tint refers to the color obtained when a color is mixed with white. Tint of often lighter and certainly less saturated without the addition of white to it. Thus, when the tint is less, the hue is better and the price is higher. Some exceptions are of course there in this context.
Describing A Color-
A colored gemstone is often described as a blue hue mixed with gray saturation and bit yellow tint. However, these descriptions are certainly hard to understand, and they do not sound attractive, as well. Hence, color professionals tend to use illustrative names like cornflower blue, ivy green and salmon orange. This in turn helps expressing colors in an accessible way.
Understanding Color Grade-
Color grade can be referred to as the strength of the main color and the other colors that are visible in the stone. A 100% grade would imply that no other color is visible on the stone. It would also indicate 100% saturation if there is no gray, but such stones are not found. When the color is purer, the grade is high for the stone. However, this grade is again associated with the color tone.
Understanding Color Tone-
A color grade is always seen in combination with color tone. The tone can often vary from light to very light and very dark. The amount of black and white mixed into the color is the tone. Together the grade and the tone can describe the value of the color properly.
In this context, it is important to note that the gemstones that come with high color grades and medium to dark tones or light to medium tones will have the highest prices. Knowing these things will surely benefit you.