The Beauty of the Rainbow Moonstone

Anyone who has an interest in stones must have probably encountered the Rainbow Moonstone. It has undeniable appeal, especially for its lunar associations. Moonstone has many wonderful metaphysical properties and its appearance alone inspires tenderness and a soft, loving quality. It brings soothing security and comfort and can be used to promote inner peace. But its mundane aspects deserve consideration as well, and can enhance appreciation of the stone.

Moonstone is linked with all the water-signs as it is a stone of comfort and representative of the Goddess. It is associated with lunar energy and is a great stone for women, especially useful for feminine cycles, and is useful for all rhythms of the body. It enhances flexibility and flow in life, easing stress and anxiety for both men and women and it has a balancing effect, especially on emotions and female hormones. Women may find moonstone helpful during the menstrual cycle, especially to ease discomfort and promote regulation. It can be carried, worn, or placed in the pillowcase while sleeping. Men find it useful in connecting with the emotional side of their personality. It is a stone of feeling, especially love.

The Beauty of the Rainbow Moonstone

Rainbow Moonstone connects us to Divine Inspiration, and channels it into our own intuition. Working with Rainbow Moonstone encourages introspection and judgment, yielding easier decision making. It also enhances one's emotional vision, bringing greater creative abilities and freedom of expression. These properties are also enhanced by Rainbow Moonstone's ability to open one up to increased synchronicity that we often cannot see due to being wrapped up in our daily routines. Rainbow Moonstone can also offer increased patience and allowing, so those newly found synchronicities can flow into our lives unimpeded.

Blue Rainbow Moonstone" is a misnomer, but a very popular one. Ry jewelry made of this stone to enhance your beauty.